Friday, July 23, 2010

Companies That Are Willing To Donate

[Slam Dunk] [Kaede Rukawa/Hanamichi Sakuragi] [#70.sangue]

author: [info] ichigo_85
beta : [info] gojyina
rating: nc-17
genre: yaoi / AU
warnings: romantic / supernatural / fantasy
figures: Kaede Rukawa, Hanamichi Sakuragi
claim: Kaede Rukawa / Hanamichi Sakuragi
theme 70.sangue
brief summary: Hanamichi suddenly awakens in an unfamiliar place that is not his home. Yet he can not remember how it is done and why. What is that place? Who has brought? And why?

# 1.radici
# 3.tenda

# # 53. chocolate
# # 59.fontana
# 70.sangue