Friday, February 29, 2008

What To Write To Someone Who Had A Baby


Today, one of those non-EU looking for any way of getting stuck in the road and sell handkerchiefs / wallets / umbrellas / lighters / buttons approached me this: smile, helping hand and exclaiming, with enthusiastic tone, "Hello friend ! Life is Now! One Nation, One Station ".

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Multiblication Table 100 X 100

The day is not there.

Today is February 29. Day
strange, no?
Every four years, we have a free day, a bit 'like packets of snacks that have more, but the price remains the same.
But you realize what this creates imbalances in the order of space and time of things?
Sit back, I'll tell you the sad story of a girl.
One of my classmate, in elementary school, was bound dragging his little body in a different existence from that of all of us kids happy. No, had not come to curse the witch Maleficent newborn.
She was born ... ON 29 FEBRUARY! * Thunder *
Perhaps at first glance, there does not seem serious, but think about what this means to dwell.
birthdays once every four years.
As she turned two, we learn the divisions in the column.
This girl has had sex probably around 5 years, and her boyfriend did not understand why they arrested for pedophilia.
And the poor will have to wait to have white hair, before you can get my license.
All this because the world population will have a day free.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

How Much Electricity Fan Use

are halfway there?

not know, I begin.
Yet another blog. Yet another crazy wild self-centered that you want to tell her the cocks in the world, so people will comment, Hosanna in the highest heaven, too, make him publish a book, I take a movie, he becomes rich and spend all the money in vodka, finding himself on the poor as a roadside.
interesting perspective, after all.
But do not worry, there tedierò with my amazing adventures, with all my crazy nights with my friends who get drunk, on the 9th mesiversario with my boyfriend, with that girl with the pigtails and blue eyes so pretty but at school I am not worthy of a glance. Do not write amazing sexual prowess, not invent absurd notes on the register, I will not do stupid things Chuck Norris.
But let's face it, our lives are sad, we spend our lives in front of the monitor of a PC, even when out of our rooms and offices there are lots of walks would do well for the body, and a lot of people of the opposite sex would have us spend time in a hormonally more stimulating.
But who cares, we enjoy with clicking the mouse button, and with these vacuous blogs that make us seem less empty our lives, when in fact they do the exact opposite.
those poor souls out there, can not understand our superiorità.